weekly virtual activies
Vashon Bridge Club
Learn all about the online playing platform Bridge Base Online and then play.
Tuesday, April 7
Time: 6:30pm
To join ZOOM
meeting: https://zoom.us/j/656772227
Meeting ID: 656 772 227
Zumba Gold
Get started on your fitness goals. Join Sara Van Fleet and dance your heart out to her great
musical line up.
Tuesdays in April and May
Time: 1:30pm
To join class: https://www.vashonathleticclub.com/live-stream-classes and look for Zumba Gold with Sara
chair yoga
Join Lynelle and become limber and more flexible as you learn gentle yoga moves in the comfort of your home. Everyone is welcome.
Thursday, May 7
Time: 10am
To join ZOOM
meeting: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/401159514
Meeting ID: 401 159 514